Assisted Living

After looking at nursing homes near me, you finally chose the right facility and you’re excited to move in the summer when the weather is good, it’s easier to move around and most of your family members are available to help.

The benefits of moving into a nursing home near me

Although you’re used to living in your house, there comes a time when you would need professional help in doing some of your activities of daily living and your family members might not be available for that. This is when it’s best that you move to a nursing home where you get to enjoy these benefits:

You get to socialize with other seniors.

  • Instead of spending most of your days alone at home, being in a nursing home will allow you to be around other seniors and do activities that will make your life more fun and enjoyable.

You get access to professional care.

  • Being at home means you don’t always have access to someone who can assist you with bathing, hygiene, and taking your medications. But with nursing homes near me, you always have compassionate professionals to help you with your needs while still promoting your independence.

You get to focus on having fun.

  • Your latter years should be nothing but having fun. You already worked hard for most of your life, so you owe it to yourself to be in an environment where you don’t need to worry about anything anymore.

Tips for a successful move in the summer

If you’re ready to move into your new home this summer, here are some tips that might come in handy.

Book your mover early.

  • A lot of people choose to move in the summer, so make sure that you have your movers booked early to avoid the rush.

Decide on what to do with your pets.

  • If you have a pet, it’s best to leave it with a friend or relative while you’re moving to make sure that someone watches over it and it’s not going to be left alone in the heat while you’re busy moving.

Plan your move strategically.

  • You don’t want to be under the heat for a long time since it could cause dehydration and worse, heat stroke. Therefore, it’s very important to plan your move strategically.


Arrange the move early in the morning to avoid the sweltering heat of the sun and make sure you set aside drinks, water, and snacks for you and the movers throughout the day.

Moving into a nursing home is a huge step, but it’s going to be one of the best decisions you’ll make to ensure that you get to enjoy a long, healthy, and safe life during your later years.

Make sure that you plan everything well, create checklists to avoid forgetting anything, and just have fun during the process. For sure, you’ll settle in quickly in one of the best senior living facilities in your area.

Providence Place of Fremont is proud to offer its Assisted Living Services to Fremont NE and its Surrounding areas and Cities: Inglewood, Cedar Bluffs, Ames, Leshara, Arlington, Fontanelle, Nickerson, Telbasta, and North Bend

Assisted Living Facilities Near Me Fremont NE

Mental health is a subject that a lot of people are still afraid to talk about. But with one in five American adults living with mental illness, it is time to destigmatize. As a memory assisted living facility, we take mental health very seriously.

Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time when conversations about mental health and illnesses are put forward. It is a time to offer support to those suffering from mental illnesses, fight the stigma, and spread awareness. We have to work as a community for ending the judgment that prevents people from speaking up about their struggles.

Mental Health Exercises for Residents in Memory Assisted Living

Residents in memory assisted living are not excluded from mental illness. The change of moving from a home into assisted living alone can be enough to affect one’s mental health.

Before that happens, here are some important mental health exercises that you can embrace as part of your routine in memory assisted living:

Practice deep breathing.

  • Sometimes, when things get so overwhelming, all you must do is pause and take deep breaths paying attention to how your chest expands and deflates as you breathe in and out. This helps reduce stress and allows you to have better control of your mind.

Talk to your neighbors.

  • Being in memory assisted living can make you miss your family. But you don’t have to spend your days inside your room because you can always talk to other residents in the facility. Share conversations with them and eventually build friendships that will surely last for years.

Write a journal.

  • Journaling is not only a great way to document your thoughts, emotions, and ideas, but it’s also beneficial in helping you to deal with anxiety. Writing is so therapeutic and being able to keep a journal will allow you to preserve memories that you could forget due to your medical condition.

Learn how to meditate.

  • Meditation is simple and straightforward but very beneficial to both the mind and body. If you can’t release your stress through exercise, take a few minutes out of your day to spend on meditation. You can start with simple breathing exercises and move on to more techniques as you embrace meditation more.

No one should ever be made to feel that their anxiety, depression, and fears are not valid. Whether you’re at home or in memory assisted living, you have the right to talk about your emotions without judgment and find ways to live a better life despite the stresses that you feel.

Let’s learn to support mental health awareness and celebrate the beauty of the human mind this May. Check out the memory care services we offer here at Provicende by clicking here.

Providence Place of Fremont is proud to offer its Assisted Living Services to Fremont NE and its Surrounding areas and Cities: Inglewood, Cedar Bluffs, Ames, Leshara, Arlington, Fontanelle, Nickerson, Telbasta, and North Bend

Senior Housing

Dealing with stress can be challenging but can be effectively managed in several ways. Regular exercise in these ways can lead to healthier moods, better sleep, and improved overall health.

Activities like reading are proven to lower stress and promote relaxation. It can release muscle tension and lower heart rate. It can enhance your imagination and temporarily forget the real world. Reading is fun and can slow down cognitive decline.

Residents in senior housing Fremont NE can take advantage of the benefits of reading.

Stress Awareness Month at Senior Housing in Fremont NE

April is recognized as Stress Management Month; senior facilities can organize fun activities for their residents including reading.

Residents can enjoy “recommended books for the week” or just add a new collection of books that everyone can have access to and explore.

In today’s Internet and social media-heavy society, reading does not only offer new knowledge but also improves communication skills. It is also a great way in maintaining good cognitive and mental health.

Senior housing Fremont NE can take advantage of Stress Awareness Month to provide an array of engagement activities and large benefits for their senior residents.

Books to Help Cope with Stress


Rising Strong: How The Ability To Reset Transforms The Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

This book is New York Times Best Seller by Brené Brown is about shared stories by great leaders from 500 Fortune companies about falling and the bravery of getting back up.

Readers can learn from their struggles and the process of bouncing back. These leaders have dealt with their emotions until they learn to embrace these setbacks and come back stronger.

After all, life is not about how many times you fall but about learning how to take risks even after failing so many times.


The Strengths-Based Workbook for Stress Relief (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)

The book offers a step-by-step guide on how to face and reduce stress in today’s busy world. Find tips and helpful approaches to identify your key strengths and learn how these can help create and maintain good relationships, cultivate happiness, and improve overall wellness.

This book is for everyone including residents in senior housing in Fremont NE. Make this book your reliable friend when you are longing for that feeling of being content or searching for your true happiness.

Unlock your true potential by making use of your bravery, perseverance, social intelligence, and more.


The Self Care Prescription: Powerful Solutions to Manage Stress, Reduce Anxiety & Increase Wellbeing

This is your personalized self-care friend plan in paperback. The Self Care Prescription is a book for everyone who hopes to find purpose in their careers, relationships, and life in general.

The book helps readers learn actionable plans to combat demotivation, depression, and anxiety that hinder them from living life. Learn self-care practices to realize your goals.

Remember, self-care is not just about physical but also about mental, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual aspects of life.

Looking for an assisted living facility in Fremont you can trust? Click here to check out Providence Memory!

Providence Place of Fremont is proud to offer its Assisted Living Services to Fremont NE and its Surrounding areas and Cities: Inglewood, Cedar Bluffs, Ames, Leshara, Arlington, Fontanelle, Nickerson, Telbasta, and North Bend

Independent Living for Seniors

Spring is finally here and that only means that patients in assisted living facilities Fremont NE can start enjoying sunnier days and warmer weather.

But even if there’s still some rain outside, you can already set the mood for spring by adding these low-maintenance plants that are perfect for making patients feel that the most delightful season of the year is finally here:

Lady palm

  • Any type of palm plant can easily make anyone feel sunnier days because of its tropical vibe. But the lady palm is especially beneficial for assisted living facilities Fremont NE because it doesn’t only make a space instantly greener with its size, but it’s also very easy to maintain because it only requires indirect sunlight.


You can put a lady palm as a statement piece in common areas like the lounge or dining room to instantly add that tropical vibe to these spaces.


Jade plant

  • Another very attractive plant that’s perfect for spring is the jade plant, which can liven up a space with its small, circular leaves and a tree-like branch that add to its aesthetics.


The best part about the jade plant is that it can survive for more than a month without being cared for.  You still want to put it near a sunny window and water it regularly for it to really bloom beautifully.



String of pearls

  • If you’re looking for a plant that can serve as décor in assisted living facilities Fremont NE, this is perfect. The string of pearls can cascade down a shelf or wall and will surely make a space feel greener.


This plant doesn’t need a lot of attention. It can survive under indirect sunlight and only needs water every week or two. Buy a couple of these plants and put them on shelves or in hanging pots so they can grow beautifully.



  • Another cascading plant that can instantly make any space feel more tropical is the pothos plant. Also named the “devil’s ivy,” this trailing vine is almost impossible to kill. It can withstand months without direct sunlight, and it can also survive under and over-watering.


The best part about the pothos plant is that it can cascade into a beautiful décor to liven up a space.

Having plants in assisted living facilities Fremont NE is more beneficial than you think. Aside from uplifting moods, these plants can also help ease physiological and psychological stress.

So, it’s always good to put some plants around your space to make it less claustrophobic, homier, and more comfortable.


Are you looking for an assisted living facility in Fremont, NE? Click here to check out Providence Memory!

Providence Place of Fremont is proud to offer its Assisted Living Services to Fremont NE and its Surrounding areas and Cities: Inglewood, Cedar Bluffs, Ames, Leshara, Arlington, Fontanelle, Nickerson, Telbasta, and North Bend

Memory Assisted Living

Chances are, there’s an assisted living facility near you. With hundreds of these facilities spread across the country, you won’t be surprised to see one if you search for assisted living facilities near me.

With the growing number of residents living in these facilities, there’s also a growing need for support and volunteer work. Fortunately, there are many ways to donate time and resources. Not all forms of volunteering involve monetary needs. Time is one of the best ways to give back to your community.

Here are great ways to give back to your community that will benefit you and the residents:

Find an assisted living facility near you.

Your first question might be, “How can I find assisted living facilities near me?” A lot of these facilities are already listed in local business directories. So, you can search for them on Google or ask around to find a facility within your local community that might need volunteers or resources.

A lot of these facilities actually struggle with the growing number of residents that they can definitely use all the help they can get from people who are willing to offer their services for free.

Simple Ways You Can Help.

You don’t need a lot of money to be able to help assisted living facilities in your community. In fact, all you need is your time to make a huge difference in the lives of residents.

Here are some ways you can help:

Offer your time.

If you’re wondering, “what exactly can I do to help assisted living facilities near me?” you can start by offering your time. Something as simple as spending an afternoon reading to the residents, playing some music, or chatting with them can make a difference.

Organize a donation drive.

Although these residents have family members to provide for their needs, some of them might still not have the resources to buy personal items that will help improve their living experience in assisted living facilities.

Ask these facilities about the common needs of their patients and organize a donation drive. Donation drives are great for crowdfunding money and items that residents are in need of. You can also organize baked goods sales or community garage sales to help raise funds. These efforts will also help assisted living facilities get more recognition in the community.

Monetary Donations

Finally, you can always commit to giving part of your earnings to assisted living facilities. Even if you don’t earn a lot, allocating whatever you can make a huge difference.

It’s also a great way to support the people who work hard to make sure that residents of the community get to enjoy a safe, comfortable, and conducive environment. A simple act of kindness goes a long way, after all.

Are you in the Fremont, NE area and looking for assisted living facilities near me to support? Visit our homepage here! 

Providence Place of Fremont is proud to offer its Assisted Living Services to Fremont NE and its Surrounding areas and Cities: Inglewood, Cedar Bluffs, Ames, Leshara, Arlington, Fontanelle, Nickerson, Telbasta, and North Bend

Independent Living for Seniors

Senior adults in assisted living facilities are at more risk of getting the COVID19 infection because of weakened immunity, serious medical conditions like diabetes, heart, and lung diseases.

During the COVID19 pandemic, facilities have seen tremendous impacts by the outbreak.

But with the ongoing cases, the senior homes and assisted living communities have been successful at keeping their residents as well as their staff safe from these unfamiliar times.

Facilities have implemented updated safety protocols and guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of their residents and their families and the staff.

These protocols include:

  • Assisted living communities are closely CDC guidelines like the implementation of social distancing and mask-wearing.

In addition, facilities are strongly following visitors’ restrictions to limit the spread of the virus. Visitors are screened and must adhere to visiting protocols to ensure everyone’s safety.

  • Cancel all non-essential group activities and events to lower the risk of virus spread.

Although group activities promote engagement and socialization, these should be restricted. However, if there are important gatherings you can’t cancel, there are protocols to follow. You must be a limit attendees, practice physical distancing, and exclude outside guests.

  • Practice regular cleaning and disinfecting of all high-traffic areas.

Cleaning these spaces should be done daily with concentrations on tables, chairs, countertops, railings, door handles, light and elevator buttons, remote controls, toilet handles, shared electronic devices, and equipment.

  • Encourage the use of PPEs


  • Screen essential workers


  • Watch common symptoms and follow the recommended isolation tips

COVID Cases on the Rise

Since the pandemic started, the world has only experienced a slight change in health and safety protocols.

Many variants like Omicron mildly and severely affect people from all parts of the world. Today, the Omicron variant is the country’s most dominant strain as it is more contagious.

It has only been three weeks, but Omicron is responsible for about 73% of US cases. The Omicron variant has different mutations and each manifests differently from the other variants.

Until today, WHO is still continuously working with other researchers to understand more about this COVID29 variant.

The COVID19 virus will continue to evolve if not stopped from spreading. It is necessary to follow the health guidelines to stay safe most especially the senior adults in assisted living facilities.

Tips for Staying Healthy in Assisted Living Facilities

With the uncertainties brought by the COVID19 pandemic, it should not stop senior residents from doing the necessary steps to live a full life.

  • Despite the limited socialization, staying in touch with family and friends regularly is a must to help them get through this unprecedented time.
  • Eat healthy food including fruits and vegetables, and others rich in vitamins and fiber
  • Get enough sleep or at least 8 hours/day
  • Be physically active by doing simple tasks like sweeping or dancing to your favorite tune.
  • Follow guidelines set by CDC and assisted living facilities management.


Are you looking for a great assisted living facility in Nebraska? Click here to check out what Providence Memory has to offer!

Providence Place of Fremont is proud to offer its Assisted Living Services to Fremont NE and its Surrounding areas and Cities: Inglewood, Cedar Bluffs, Ames, Leshara, Arlington, Fontanelle, Nickerson, Telbasta, and North Bend

Assisted Living

Moving to assisted living Fremont NE can be overwhelming and navigating the new environment can be intimidating. However, the hard decision to move does not mean you cannot have an awesome time celebrating the New Year.

Saying goodbye to your loved ones may be hard but the move is also an opportunity to remain active and feel safe.

New Year, New You, New Home!

As the New Year begins, it is also time to work on your new goals. Focus on all the positive things that this New Year will bring and start living the best senior life.

Assisted living communities are great places to have more free time. Residents like you will have more discover new hobbies, make new friends, or catch up on your favorite series or books. Moving to assisted living Fremont NE is a convenient time to venture into lifelong interests and do what you love most.

A move to the assisted living community this New Year is an investment for a healthier future. Whether it is still a plan or has decided to make the big move anytime soon, assisted living is a great option to stay socially connected while having the peace of mind that you will be professionally and compassionately taken care of round the clock.

Benefits of Living in Assisted Living in Fremont

Most families would prefer to see their aging loved ones at home. However, juggling personal and professional life can be challenging, providing little to no time to care for senior adults.

Living in an assisted living facility is the best answer to older adults who want a carefree living but with assistance when it comes to managing day-to-day living activities.

Here are some benefits of assisted living in Fremont NE that can help you and your loved ones get ready for the new chapter of your senior life.

Healthy Meals

Preparing and cooking your own meals can be exhausting as you grow older. But in assisted living, you can now enjoy healthier meals prepared by professional cooks or chefs. Meals are specially prepared to benefit senior residents.

24/7 Care

Professional care services are also available to ensure their safety. Well-trained staff provides care services so residents receive the care and attention they need. From simple assistance in dressing and hygiene to medication schedules and checkups, dedicated staffs are ready to help.

Peace of Mind

Family and family have the confidence knowing that you are being cared for when the need arises or round the clock. Senior adults also have the peace of mind with the knowledge that your new home is a community of fun, care, and opportunity.


Moving into assisted living Fremont NE promotes a positive impact on your general wellness. With more time to stay socially and physically active while enjoying healthier meals, senior adults can enjoy life again.

With such benefits, more seniors are considering moving to assisted living communities like Providence Memory.

Providence Place of Fremont is proud to offer its Assisted Living Services to Fremont NE and its Surrounding areas and Cities: Inglewood, Cedar Bluffs, Ames, Leshara, Arlington, Fontanelle, Nickerson, Telbasta, and North Bend

Senior Housing Fremont NE

With Christmas just around the corner, family gatherings are expected for the celebration. If you have loved ones in senior housing Fremont NE, most likely they have difficulty in moving and will not be able to travel and attend celebrations like they used to.

But holidays in senior housings can still be festive and meaningful. There are plenty of ways to bring the spirit of giving and thoughtfulness for senior adults to feel loved and appreciated.

Christmas Day Visit

Make time to visit a family member in senior housing on Christmas day. Invite other family members and friends who can join for lunch or an afternoon tea. Bring in family recipes that you can enjoy while reminiscing family Christmas traditions.

A quick visit on Christmas day is the best option if your family member has dementia or has challenges with mobility and transportation. Taking a senior adult with dementia to a new environment may be disorienting to her/him.

Special Date

Set a date (whichever date near Christmas) so you can take your loved one on a special day. This will not only give you time to bond but also an opportunity for a change of view, a breath of fresh air, and check Christmas displays. End the date with a lunch or dinner.

Participate in Christmas Engagements in Senior Housing

Most senior housing Fremont NE hosts holiday lunches and activities that everyone can join in. Participate with your loved ones and create wonderful memories together.

What is Winter like in Senior Housing, Fremont NE?

During the winter season Fremont, Nebraska experiences snowy and freezing weather with average daytime low temperatures are around 20°F, rarely falling below -3°F and highs around 38°F from December to February.

Prepare yourself by wearing proper winter attire: a jacket, insulated coat, thick socks, sweaters, warm boots, hats, gloves, and scarves.

Apart from preparing yourself, you also need to prepare your car for traveling. For snow, ice, and extreme cold, traveling can be a challenge. When out to visit a loved one, you must be cautious and watch icy spots.

Make sure headlights are working before heading out and stay away from plowing trucks. Check tires before traveling; look for signs of wear and tear.

Christmas Decorating Tips

Transform your loved one’s senior housing to inspire feelings of love, hope, and happiness through these easy decorating tips.

The Internet is flooded with Christmas decors and essentials that you can choose from. There is always something for everyone that fits the budget. But if you have the creative skills, going DIY is a practical way to make senior housing Fremont NE merry and bright.

Here are some easy and affordable decorations you can add to a loved one’s space:

  • Potted poinsettia
  • Silver tray with silver ornaments
  • Snow globes
  • Glass bowl with faux snow and twigs
  • A shallow basket filled with fruits, ornaments, or vegetables
  • Use Christmas-colored linens for a bedroom transformation
  • Put up a mini-Christmas tree

Budget-Friendly Gift Guides

Christmas is the season of giving. Show how much you care by giving these useful and practical holiday gifts your loved ones will appreciate.

Remember, that thoughtfulness is not measured by how expensive a gift is. The best gifts are those that can be used in our daily lives.

Check the list below:

  • Tumbler
  • Silk pillowcases
  • Pair of socks
  • Magazine or movie subscription
  • Cold brew coffee maker
  • Microfiber hair turban
  • Bennie
  • Reusable shopping bag
  • Burned CDs with a compilation of his/her favorite songs

Are you looking for the perfect senior housing for your loved one? Contact us at Providence Memory, today!

Providence Place of Fremont is proud to offer its Assisted Living Services to Fremont NE and its Surrounding areas and Cities: Inglewood, Cedar Bluffs, Ames, Leshara, Arlington, Fontanelle, Nickerson, Telbasta, and North Bend

Senior Housing

The time has come for you to start looking at different nursing homes in your area to make sure that your elderly loved one gets to enjoy a good quality of life while getting all the care he needs. But this has become an overwhelming task and you find yourself asking, “What exactly do I need to look for in high-quality nursing homes near me Fremont NE?”

Different levels of care for nursing homes

Not all nursing homes are the same, which is why it’s very important to learn more about them before you decide on the best facility for your loved one. Different types of nursing homes offer different levels of care for residents. This is because seniors also have different needs.

Knowing exactly what your loved one needs will help you find the best nursing home for him. If a patient has dementia, he will need more care than the average senior.

It means that you have to look for a nursing home that offers specialized care for people with this type of condition. The first step to finding the right nursing home is to work with a senior care advisor who can explain to you the different services that a facility can offer for you to make the right decision.

The qualities of a great nursing home

Now you might be wondering, “What are the qualities of great nursing homes near me Fremont NE?”

A comfortable environment

  • A good nursing home should look and feel like your home. It needs to be clean, organized, and safe for your loved one to live in. Although this is a facility, you need to find one that can give your loved one a sense that he’s not too far from home, so it’s easy for him to adjust to this new environment.

Skilled nursing care

  • Good nursing homes will always put their residents’ safety and wellbeing first. This is why you need to look for a facility that has competent staff who can take care of your loved one’s needs round-the-clock. Learn about staff to patient ratio to know exactly if each resident is getting good quality care while in the nursing home.

Nutritious food

  • Being in a nursing home doesn’t mean your loved one will be confined to boring, bland food. In fact, a good nursing home will make sure that residents will have a good dining experience where delicious, nutritious food is served all the time.

A variety of activities

  • To promote the best quality of life for residents, good nursing homes should have a program for residents to follow every day. These activities should help them learn, be social and stay active during their stay.

Choosing the right nursing home is definitely a big decision for you and your family. This is why you need to take all these necessary steps to make sure that your loved one enjoys the best quality of life while staying in a nursing home. Contact us at Providence Memory today to learn more about our facility and services!

Providence Place of Fremont is proud to offer its Assisted Living Services to Fremont NE and its Surrounding areas and Cities: Inglewood, Cedar Bluffs, Ames, Leshara, Arlington, Fontanelle, Nickerson, Telbasta, and North Bend

Assisted Living

The senior adults in the assisted living community have survived the difficult challenge of the COVID19 pandemic. This year’s celebration of National Assisted Living Week is during September 12th – 18th. It is a perfect opportunity for celebrating residents and the workforce who continuously contribute to the community.

Whether you have a family member in an assisted living facility, staff, or a volunteer, it is just right to honor these individuals.

What is National Assisted Living Week?

The first National Assisted Living Week was in 1995 by the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL). Since then, the event has been celebrated every year all over the country to commemorate the residents that they serve the staff, volunteers, and the importance of assisted living communities in caring for seniors and those with disabilities.

In addition, the annual celebration is also a perfect time to educate members of society about the significance of assisted professional care in the country.

Theme for 2021

This year’s theme is “Compassion, Community, Caring”. The 3 Cs honor the hard work and dedication that the caregivers have shown to the residents of assisted living communities during the height of the pandemic.

The theme also reflects the importance of family and staying connected despite physical restrictions.

While every celebration each year is important, this year is extra special due to the challenges from the pandemic.

Ways To Thank Assisted Living Caregivers For Their Work

  1. Provide individual gift bags to recognize their dedication and hard work. This is also an excellent way to involve residents. Taking a poll of how residents would like to best pool together gifts can help gather budget-friendly options. Gifts like cards, baked goodies, hand sanitizers, lip balm, or gift cards are excellent choices.
  2. Simple token recognition can show caregivers their efforts do not go unrecognized. Families and residents can organize awards for the best problem-solver, best attitude, best smile, best listener, and more.
  3. A raffle on the last day of the celebration is also a fun way to honor the caregivers. This is an alternative if you are working on a tight budget and cannot provide gift bags for all caregivers.
  4. Another way to honor the selfless caregivers is by throwing ice cream parties or pizza days. To add to the creativity, you can do build your own sundae bars or make your own pizza parties.
  5. If the budget allows, you may want to order salads, subs, or burritos for the staff. Arrange staggered arrivals of orders to accommodate varying shifts. This way, food is packed individually to save you from the tedious work of food preparation.

Each of these ideas is an excellent way to celebrate the hard work of caregivers. Appreciation and a meaningful thank you can go a long way.

Are you looking for information on a reliable and fun memory care facility in Nebraska? Click here to visit our memory care information page!

Providence Place of Fremont is proud to offer its Assisted Living Services to Fremont NE and its Surrounding areas and Cities: Inglewood, Cedar Bluffs, Ames, Leshara, Arlington, Fontanelle, Nickerson, Telbasta, and North Bend