The Best Low-Maintenance Spring Plants for Assisted Living Facilities in Fremont NE

Assisted Living Facilities Fremont NE

Spring is finally here and that only means that patients in assisted living facilities Fremont NE can start enjoying sunnier days and warmer weather.

But even if there’s still some rain outside, you can already set the mood for spring by adding these low-maintenance plants that are perfect for making patients feel that the most delightful season of the year is finally here:

Lady palm

  • Any type of palm plant can easily make anyone feel sunnier days because of its tropical vibe. But the lady palm is especially beneficial for assisted living facilities Fremont NE because it doesn’t only make a space instantly greener with its size, but it’s also very easy to maintain because it only requires indirect sunlight.


You can put a lady palm as a statement piece in common areas like the lounge or dining room to instantly add that tropical vibe to these spaces.


Jade plant

  • Another very attractive plant that’s perfect for spring is the jade plant, which can liven up a space with its small, circular leaves and a tree-like branch that add to its aesthetics.


The best part about the jade plant is that it can survive for more than a month without being cared for.  You still want to put it near a sunny window and water it regularly for it to really bloom beautifully.



String of pearls

  • If you’re looking for a plant that can serve as décor in assisted living facilities Fremont NE, this is perfect. The string of pearls can cascade down a shelf or wall and will surely make a space feel greener.


This plant doesn’t need a lot of attention. It can survive under indirect sunlight and only needs water every week or two. Buy a couple of these plants and put them on shelves or in hanging pots so they can grow beautifully.



  • Another cascading plant that can instantly make any space feel more tropical is the pothos plant. Also named the “devil’s ivy,” this trailing vine is almost impossible to kill. It can withstand months without direct sunlight, and it can also survive under and over-watering.


The best part about the pothos plant is that it can cascade into a beautiful décor to liven up a space.

Having plants in assisted living facilities Fremont NE is more beneficial than you think. Aside from uplifting moods, these plants can also help ease physiological and psychological stress.

So, it’s always good to put some plants around your space to make it less claustrophobic, homier, and more comfortable.


Are you looking for an assisted living facility in Fremont, NE? Click here to check out Providence Memory!

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