The Benefits of Therapy Dogs in Senior Housing Fremont NE | National Dog Day 2023

Senior Housing Fremont NE

Dogs have been one of man’s best companions for as long as we can remember. Because they’re loyal, trustworthy, and intelligent, dogs also help people with disabilities and medical conditions that hinder them from performing to their full capacity. This is why dogs of all breeds are honored every year through National Dog Day, especially therapy dogs who have made such a difference in the lives of the elderly in senior housing Fremont NE.

Celebrating National Dog Day in Senior Housing Fremont NE

Every year on the 26th day of August, the world celebrates National Dog Day to honor our canine friends of all breeds. This holiday was started in 2004 by Colleen Paige, a dog trainer, author, conservationist, pet and family lifestyle expert, and animal rescue advocate.

Colleen chose this date to commemorate the day her family adopted her first dog named “Sheltie” when she was 10. Since then, Colleen found her passion as an animal advocate and founded many other holidays including National Wildlife Day, National Cat Day, National Mutt Day, and National Puppy Day.

These holidays are not only celebrations. They also help to raise awareness about the importance of dogs and cats, and how adoption can make a difference for them.

The Benefits of Therapy Dogs in Senior Housing Fremont NE

Therapy dogs have been used in many facilities including senior housing Fremont NE for many years because of these benefits:

Dogs give seniors a sense of purpose.

  • Because of their limitations, some seniors feel that they’ve lost a sense of purpose in the world. This makes them feel isolated, helpless, and depressed. But having a pet to accompany them in senior housing Fremont NE has proven to help them find that sense of purpose again. Since they’re responsible for the care of a pet, it helps them to look forward to the daily routine they have together.

Dogs help to reduce depression.

  • A lot of seniors suffer from poor mental health because of such a huge change in their living setup on top of dealing with a medical condition. Since anxiety and depression can affect their overall health, therapy dogs help to reduce boredom, loneliness, and anxiety. Dogs are great companions, so those seniors with pets are happier than those who don’t.

Finally, dogs help seniors to stay active during their stay in senior housing Fremont NE. Being in a different living arrangement, some seniors tend to isolate themselves inside their rooms and not spend any time outdoors. But those with pets love going out more to walk their dog, which is good exercise.

Dogs also need time for play, which encourages their owners to get up and stay active.

So, if you have a loved one in senior housing Fremont NE, you might consider having a therapy dog as part of their living setup. This could make a huge difference in their lives and allow them to enjoy their time in senior housing.


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