Migraine Awareness Week in Assisted Living Facilities | Fremont NE

Assisted Living Facilities Fremont NE

Chances are, you or a loved one has a migraine. In fact, 1 in 7 people suffer from this type of headache disorder with a good number of them being part of the senior community. That is why the United Kingdom observes Migraine Awareness Week from September 4-13 every year to help people understand what migraine is, how to deal with it, and how to help those family members who are suffering from it. Assisted living facilities Fremont NE also celebrate this annual event to raise the same awareness for residents and their families.

Celebrating Migraine Awareness Week in Assisted Living Facilities Fremont NE

With migraines affecting more than a billion people around the world, it has become one of the top ten leading causes of years lived with disabilities. People suffering from this chronic headache disorder go from living a normal life to not being able to function when their migraines strike, and it can affect their quality of life.

People, especially the elderly will have a hard time sleeping and eating and they become more stressed, which can also trigger other medical conditions.

This is why Migraine Awareness Week sheds light on an often misunderstood medical condition that’s affected many people including those in Assisted living facilities Fremont NE.

The different types of migraines | Assisted Living Facilities Fremont NE

Unlike what most people think, a migraine isn’t just a typical headache. In fact, there are different types of migraines:

Chronic migraines

  • Chronic migraines occur when you have at least eight headache episodes per month for the last three months. With this frequency, the migraine may affect your quality of life, which should prompt medical consultation.

Vestibular migraines

  • A vestibular migraine is diagnosed when you feel lightheadedness and dizziness. It’s often described as the feeling of floating, swaying, or spinning aside from the headache itself. This migraine usually happens without warning and can be triggered by another illness, dehydration, lack of sleep, or even stress. Most people with vestibular migraines have a family history of migraines or an existing disorder such as motion sickness, sinus headaches, or Meniere’s disease.

Hemiplegic migraines

  • Although rare, a hemiplegic migraine is one that comes with an aura, which is quite like epilepsy. People who suffer from a hemiplegic migraine usually experience aura before the headache itself. It also comes with speech, vision, or sensation impairment. This type of migraine may run in the family and can range from mild to severe.

Retinal migraines

  • Also called an ocular migraine, this type affects the eyes and causes visual problems like seeing flashing lights or brief episodes of blindness. People with retinal migraines are usually frightened. Especially if they experience temporary blindness, which prompts them to visit a doctor right away.

Migraines are debilitating and dangerous at some point. So, if you or a loved one are experiencing this, make sure to get treatment right away.

Assisted Living Facilities Fremont NE

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