Celebrating Father’s Day in Senior Housing Fremont NE

assisted living facilities Fremont NE

Father’s Day is just around the corner and with everything that our fathers have done to make our lives better, it’s only fitting that we honor them on this special day. This is especially true if your father is already in senior housing Fremont NE because of his age and condition. But how exactly did Father’s Day start and how can you celebrate it with a loved one in senior housing Fremont NE?

The History of Father’s Day

Father’s Day dates to 1910 when it was first celebrated in the state of Washington. This actually started as a sad celebration on a Sunday sermon to honor the 362 men who died in an explosion at the Fairmont Coal Company Mines in Monongah. But Father’s Day eventually became a yearly celebration as an equivalent to Mother’s Day, which was already celebrated in the country.

With more than 70 million fathers in the United States alone, it was only fitting to designate a day for them to be celebrated just as we would for mothers.

So, in 1972, President Woodrow Wilson declared Father’s Day along with Mother’s Day as an official holiday in the country.

How to celebrate Father’s Day in senior housing Fremont NE

If your father is in senior housing Fremont NE, here’s how you can celebrate with him on Father’s Day:

Plan a day out.

  • Being in senior housing Fremont NE can feel lonely for your dad, so why not make this day special by taking him on a day out? Depending on his mobility, you can plan to take your dad out on his favorite park, watch a baseball game together or just take him out to dinner at his favorite restaurant. If you’re going to a public venue, you can take advantage of prime seating or early entry privileges for seniors.

Plan a family gathering in Senior Housing Fremont NE

  • Your father will surely want nothing more than to see his family together on Father’s Day. If he has limited mobility and going somewhere isn’t an option, you can always plan a family gathering in senior housing Fremont NE and cook your dad’s favorite food. You can also prepare gifts to surprise him with and even include other residents in the community who don’t have a family with them on this special day.

Finally, it’s great to spend time with your dad. Sitting down and reminiscing about fishing trips, baseball games, and day outs together will remind him of the bond that you built together.

Fathers deserve acknowledgment for their love and the sacrifices they made to make sure that we get to enjoy the best lives.

So, don’t forget to make Father’s Day extra special for him this year. Mark your calendar for June 18 and go all out in surprising him on this big day.


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