Recognizing World Alzheimer’s Month in Memory Assisted Living

Independent Living for Seniors

Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 6 million Americans and by 2050, experts predict that this number will reach 13 million. Having Alzheimer’s means that patients need proper care and support during their journey. This is why there is a large demand for memory assisted living facilities around the country today.

There’s still a lot to learn about Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s Disease International has declared every September of the year as World Alzheimer’s Month. The purpose of the month is to bring awareness and encourage people to donate to causes working toward helping current patients.

Celebrating World Alzheimer’s Month

Each September, loved ones of Alzheimer’s patients, friends, and those who support the cause come together to celebrate World Alzheimer’s Month dedicated to raising awareness, reducing the stigma, and motivating the community to be active participants in helping people from around the world who are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and all other types of dementia.

Alzheimer’s Disease International urges everyone from individuals, private organizations, and communities to support this cause. You can organize activities that help to educate people about Alzheimer’s and how it affects the community.

Millions of Americans are living with Alzheimer’s. It’s not surprising that almost every family in the country has a family member suffering from this chronic condition.

This month also aims to shed light on the wrong perception that dementia is a normal part of aging. With this campaign, people can understand the warning signs, get loved ones treated early, and give them the best quality of life.

Recognizing World Alzheimer’s Month in memory assisted living

If you know someone in memory assisted living, it’s important to participate in raising awareness for Alzheimer’s. You could also find ways to make this month a little more special for the residents of the facility.

You could plan activities with loved ones to celebrate the people you love. Something as simple as a day where you can gather and make memories will mean so much to these patients.

You can also volunteer your services with organizations hosting activities for World Alzheimer’s month. If you have extra resources, donations are a great way to help.

Having Alzheimer’s is not easy for both the patients and loved ones. So, raising more awareness about this condition will not only allow us to understand Alzheimer’s patients better and detect the earliest signs of this condition.

But it will also help other people to be more proactive in helping the experts to study Alzheimer’s disease further so that they can hopefully find a cure for this condition soon.


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