Entries by G4Developer

Increasing Awareness of Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

A 16-year-old high school student (we’ll call her Anne) recently stood in front of a packed ballroom to speak at an Alzheimer’s fundraiser. She was there to talk about the effect Alzheimer’s had had on her life. When she was just 12 years old, her 45-year-old father was diagnosed with the disease. He died four […]

Mindfulness Meditation Helps Caregivers, Loved Ones Live in the Moment

Mindfulness training is a form of meditation that helps people reduce stress by focusing on the present moment. Studies show that this practice can benefit the health of family caregivers whose loved one has Alzheimer’s or a related disorder, helping them cope with the stress and depression that can weaken their immune system and raise […]

Top Ten Things to Discuss As Your Parents Grow Older

Discussing important and very private issues with loved ones who are growing older can be a challenge. Studies show that few families have these types of conversations until a major event occurs—a sudden health crisis, the loss of a spouse, or even a holiday visit by children during which it becomes apparent that Mom or […]

Dining Out When Your Loved One Has Alzheimer’s

Most people with Alzheimer’s benefit from getting out of the house. Being cooped up all the time can lead to boredom, increased agitation and sleep disturbances. If your loved is in the earlier stages of Alzheimer’s and enjoys going to restaurants, and you are still comfortable taking him or her out to eat, here are […]

Pain Often Untreated in Seniors With Dementia

Older adults are apt to suffer from a variety of painful health conditions, including arthritis, osteoporosis, urinary tract infections, diabetic neuropathy, tooth problems, constipation and many others. It’s important to address this discomfort and work with the person’s healthcare provider to arrive at the most effective treatment for pain. Treatments might include medication, exercise and […]

Five Fun Things That Offer Surprising Brain Health Benefits

Most of us know the importance of taking care of our brains through healthy eating, exercise and regular healthcare appointments. Neurologists also have found that regular mental stimulation lowers the level of harmful proteins in the brain that increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Luckily, brain care isn’t just a matter of hard work. Many […]

Grieving for a Loved One Who Has Alzheimer’s Disease

One of the most common aspects of caring about someone who has memory loss is that grief comes in waves. The initial diagnosis can bring on anticipatory grief – feeling loss over the challenges that lie ahead. Then, as the disease brings about changes and challenging behavior in a long-familiar person, families feel the grief […]

Healthier Heart and Lungs, Healthier Brain?

We’ve learned a lot about brain health during the past decade. We know more about things we can do to lower the risk of Alzheimer’s, stroke and other conditions that threaten cognitive well-being. Positive lifestyle choices include good nutrition, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, protecting ourselves from head injury, and taking part in mentally stimulating […]

Improve Memory By Spring Cleaning Your Mind

Those little memory lapses we experience as we grow older can worry us. We’re introduced to someone but promptly forget their name. We look all over the place for our reading glasses, only to realize they are perched on our head. We save a document, but forget into which folder. We might joke about “senior […]

What Values Are Important for People With Alzheimer’s Disease?

Loved ones who suffer from mild to moderate dementia and their family caregivers often have different perceptions regarding the amount and quality of care given and received. A study by researchers at Penn State University and the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging examined a major source of those differences: Caregivers may not understand the things […]